Support quality local news
Donate todayThe Illawarra Flame is keeping community news alive against the odds. We’re an independent publication run, written and read by locals. Named after a beautiful tree, the Flame shines a light on local people and places. It is free for everyone to read.
Our goal is to connect, empower and inspire our readers. Our motto is “everyone has a story” and over the past 10 years we’ve told countless stories about everyone from scouts to firefighters, historians to scientists, sports stars to artists, authors and musicians. We’ve covered everything from fires to floods, from traffic to development, from school fundraisers to environmental science.
The seed for the Illawarra Flame was planted in the 2508 postcode a decade ago. What started as a small monthly paper has grown to become a much-loved celebration of the coastal communities of the northern Illawarra and, since March 2024, Shellharbour too.
The Illawarra Flame has survived changing technology, rising costs and a global pandemic. It endures as an engaging, entertaining and trusted voice for volunteers, small business, sport, sustainability and the arts.
Today the magazine is published in print and online – the only local publication delivered to letterboxes and inboxes. And our website reaches audiences across the Illawarra.
The Flame is owned and operated by two journalists who are proud to bring decades of experience gained in Sydney, London and Cape Town to publishing news for their community, as well as mentoring the next generation of young storytellers.
Thank you for supporting local news.